Tuesday, September 25, 2012

浜田省吾 Shogo Hamada - もうひとつの土曜日 Another Saturday

I'm not a super J-pop fan, do know some Japanese artists, but I got to know this guy here 浜田省吾 (Shogo Hamada) singing もうひとつの土曜日 (Another Saturday) today through a Japanese Facebook friend Hiromi. Thank you Hiromi!

I'm glad that this video comes with English translated subtitles so you can understand what his manly, soulful voice is singing about.

This is a very touching song, enjoy!

English translated Lyrics (As seen on the YouTube video)
Did you stay up to cry all night?
You said with a smile across the table
that you waited him to call
I can see the dark shadows of sorrow under your eyes

Pushed by the crowd, so strong you hardly could breathe
You go back to your apartment by train every evening
You live for the life time spent together
to meet with him on the weekend
Forget about him, you are still young and someone must be waiting for you
somewhere in this town
He will dry your tears running down your cheek

 Turn around and see...

When I think of you I always waver between two feelings
Happiness and sorrow
My will to judge you sometimes hurts me
Let's go out on the town and drive to the sea in my old friend's car
Please give me your weekend's night
Even if it is the first and the last one

Look straight forward...

What you dreamed in your childhood might not come true
But I will always stay by your side to help you
Please accept this ring
Please accept my heart

300th iStockphoto File (Businessman Deals with Loan Shark)

Businessman deas with Loan Shark
Celebrating my 300th exclusive file for iStockphoto! What? 300th? Yea... not that many right? But I'm trying to keep it coming, with new ideas, better quality, etc, and thank you all for supporting me thus far! Cheer!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Angry Boss Illustration

Angry Boss Illustration
Arrrrggggghhhhh! Think being a boss is easy? Think again!

Monday, September 03, 2012

My Facebook Page

More portfolio updates and information on my Facebook page, feel free to click "like", thanks!

Latest Yellow Business Illustrations

Yellow Business Illustration Lightbox
My new business illustration series consists of various business and office characters: http://www.istockphoto.com/search/lightbox/12750660 Complete Portfolio: www.istockphoto.com/runeer